Stacey Severance
Stacey was born in Florence, SC and grew up all around the Southeast as his family moved many times with his dad's job. He graduated from Francis Marion University with an English degree in 2000 and worked in various jobs that prepared him for pastoral ministry (including middle/high school teacher, college ministry staff, worship music director, and youth ministry director), even working in the business world for a couple years. Stacey completed his Master of Divinity at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte and is currently a Doctor of Ministry candidate at Birmingham Theological Seminary.

Brock Page
Pastoral Intern and Youth Ministry Director
Brock was born and raised in Lake View, SC and graduated from Wofford College with a B.S. degree in Biology. He and his wife, Gretchen, have five children and currently live in Darlington. He is currently enrolled in the Master of Divinity program of LAMP Seminary and holds part-time ministry roles at Good Shepherd and East Florence Mission. Brock came under care of the Pee Dee Presbytery in October 2021 as he prepares for pastoral ministry.

Lia Severance |
Children’s Ministry Director
Lia was born in Miami, FL and grew up in Atlanta. She graduated from Georgia College in Milledgeville, GA in 2000 with a degree in Sociology. She moved to Florence in 2001 to work for a college ministry at Francis Marion University. Shortly after moving to Florence, she was introduced to Stacey and they were engaged a year and a half later. Stacey and Lia have four daughters.

Rev. Stacey Severance

Randy LaCross

Tim Bell

Jack Marchette

Andy McInville

Jason Grimsley

Adrian Langley

Dan Scofield

Eddie Scott