Sunday Morning
Bible Study

Each Sunday morning at 9:15am, we have a Bible study for adults, one for GSYouth, and our GSKids are divided into various classes according to age. We encourage you to join us in this wonderful time of growth and learning by incorporating Sunday Morning Bible Study as a regular part of your Lord’s Day morning!

Adult SMBS

Our adult instructors are various men of the church who are effective teachers with sound doctrine and practical application. Handouts and Scripture references are provided at the start of each class to aid in discussion. The class gathers in the church sanctuary and begins with our weekly prayer time from 9:15-9:40am followed by the lesson until about 10:10am. Our current series is an in-depth study of Romans 3:21-8:39.

Children's SMBS

We have loving and energetic instructors who rotate teaching each of our children’s classes in a way that engages and reinforces Gospel truths for our covenant children. This is a great opportunity for many men and women in our church to be able to serve and use the gifts God has given them. They teach from curriculum designed for nurturing children in the Word of God.

Youth SMBS

Our 8th-12th graders gather in the Cabin (behind our main building) for prayer and Bible study.